OxTales通讯- 2021年11月 在浏览器中查看


我们希望这条信息发现你身体健康,精神愉快. We are excited to share with you some updates since our last issue of OxTales!

重新开放. 在因疫情关闭一年之后, we reopened our campus this past June to a vibrant group of young artists. This was the first cohort to experience our new summer programming, the 牛津夏季艺术学院这是一个面向高中生的沉浸式艺术驻留项目. Students spent each day making art from sunrise to sunset -- they experimented with new mediums and delved deeply into the creative process while also bringing much joy into the studios. 观看暑期班学生的最终作品, 请访问我们网站上的虚拟画廊 在这里. 虽然他们已经回家了, the arts residency proved to be a resounding success and brought in new streams of revenue to secure the future of Oxbow. 我们期待看到2022年的夏天会带来什么!

新视频. 在夏季, we invited two students to collaborate with the Oxbow marketing team in our efforts to shoot new promotional videos for the school, “牛轭之旅.” The purpose of these short videos is to capture the introspective narrative gleaned from each student’s first person perspective, allowing the viewer to gain a better understanding of the transformation that occurs as a result of the Oxbow experience. 第一个视频以伊森为主角,可以观看 在这里. Ethan is from Chicago and shares that his time spent at the Summer Art Institute truly transformed how he views art and how he views himself in the world. He notes, “I was able to meet people who gave me a new chance. 我能够从自己的壳里走出来.“考虑到社区的力量, 伊森州, “People 在这里 have learned how to take inspiration from everything surrounding them.第二段视频以波西亚为主角,可以观看 在这里. 波西亚在波茨敦上寄宿学校, PA,她指出, “在来牛堡之前, 我很清楚自己是谁, 我认为教育应该是什么样子, 艺术应该是什么样子.”

秋季学期. It’s no surprise that our current Fall cohort is also undergoing change as this week launches the Final Project, the seminal capstone project in which students engage in mindful critical and creative inquiry around a topic of their own choosing. 在学期的最后几周, students take on the role of an artist working in their own studio. Students receive personalized support from the faculty to successfully execute their projects. 由于这次独特的合作, students depart the program with a newly discovered agency and a deep-seated curiosity that leads to a journey of lifelong learning. 最后一场演出定于周六举行, December 11th and the student research and artwork will be posted to our virtual gallery shortly t在这里after. 我们期待着下个月与他们一起庆祝. 与此同时,请跟随他们的旅程 Instagram! 在那里, you will see many images of their work along with co-programming experiences (camping trips into nature, 万圣节庆祝活动, 周末和厨师一起做饭, 画廊开张, 选修课, 和更多).

学术文章. Not too long after students left mid-semester during the Spring of 2020, 两位牛轭学院的教员共同撰写了一篇题为, “Reflections on Distance Learning and Quarantine in Spring 2020: The Oxbow School’s Pandemic Story”. The article was published in this month’s edition of Art Education, the official journal of the National Art Education Association. 可以找到这个故事的副本 在我们的网站上. Teaching remotely brought new awareness to the importance of an arts education, especially during a time when the creative process was a much needed outlet for young people forced into quarantine for an unknown period of time. 不足为奇的是, the Oxbow faculty and students rose to the occasion to produce meaningful work as featured in Art Education.

谢谢你!. 感恩节即将来临,这是理所当然的, for we want to thank you for being an important part of our greater school community. Your support and stewardship of the school is instrumental and t在这里 are many ways in which you can help sustain Oxbow’s future. 最直接的方式就是支持我们 年度奖学基金. 如果你愿意给学校捐一大笔钱, 提名我们为基金奖助金, 或者有计划地捐赠, 请联络发展办事处(development@gzyyhc.com). Your donation has a direct impact on our ability to continue to be a school of access, 股本, 和卓越.

The faculty and staff at Oxbow wish you a heartfelt Thanksgiving holiday filled with love from family and friends. 最后,我们想分享 这首诗 和你一起 这个播客“感恩节诗歌”, from Poetry Off the Shelf brought to you by the Poetry Foundation. 享受!




The Oxbow School is currently accepting Semester and Gap applications f或2022年春季,2022年秋季和2023年春季学期. Applications are also open for the brand new 6-week Summer Art Institute!

在那里 is still limited space available for our Spring 2022 Semester which begins January 21st. Interested students are encouraged to complete their applications ASAP.

Students interested in attending the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters should aim to complete their applications by our early priority date of February 15th, 2022.

这个为期六周的夏季学期对即将升学的二年级学生开放, 初中, and seniors as well as those taking a gap year after high school. Students will receive an entire year’s worth of studio art credit with an official high school transcript from Oxbow. This unique residency program is grounded in the philosophy that t在这里 is no limit to what adolescents can create when provided an open-minded environment with high-level instruction, 个人和集体责任, 和支持. They return home having developed their art practice and sense of self.

“I’ve grown tremendously as a scholar, as a friend, and as an artist. I’ve expanded my viewpoints and I’ve made friends with people 在这里 that I probably would’ve never been friends with in any other environment.——Amara Ibeanusi, 2019年春季
Any amount large or small makes a huge difference in the lives of young people! Please consider giving and helping Oxbow in continuing to offer students life changing opportunities.
We want to hear from our alumni so submit your news online via our website. 让我们知道你的项目, 旅行, 志愿者工作, 教学/实习经历, 大学新闻, 展览, 放映, 面试, 出版物, 等. Make sure we have your latest contact information so we can stay in touch.
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